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Rabu, 06 Juni 2018

An Inverted Yield Curve Has Not Stopped These Emerging Markets ...
src: frontera.net

In finance, the yield curve is a curve that shows several results or interest rates across different lengths of contracts (2 months, 2 years, 20 years, etc...) for similar debt contracts. The curve shows the relationship between the interest rate (or borrowing cost) and the time to maturity, known as " term ", of the debt to the borrower given in a currency. For example, US dollar interest rates paid on US Treasury securities for various maturities are closely watched by many traders, and are generally plotted on charts such as those on the right that are informally called "yield curves". A more formal mathematical description of this relation is often called long term interest rate structure .

The shape of the yield curve shows the cumulative priority of all lenders relative to a particular borrower (such as the US Treasury or the Ministry of Finance of Japan), or a single lender's priority relative to all possible borrowers. With other factors considered equal, lenders would prefer to have the funds they have, not on the disposal of a third party. The interest rate is the "price" paid to convince them to lend. As the loan period increases, the lender demands an increase in the interest earned. In addition, the lender may be worried about future circumstances, e.g. a potential default (or rising inflation rate), so they demand higher interest rates for long-term loans rather than short-term loan demand to compensate for increased risks. Sometimes, when lenders seek long-term debt contracts more aggressively than short-term debt contracts, the yield curve "reverses", with interest rate (yield) being lower for longer pay periods so lenders can attract long-term loans.

The yield of the debt instrument is the overall rate of return available to the investment. In general, the percentage per year that can be earned depends on the length of time the money is invested. For example, a bank may offer a "savings rate" higher than the normal giro account rate if the customer is ready to leave the money untouched for five years. Investing for a period of t rewards Y ( t ).

This function is Y called yield curve , and often, but not always, the increase function t . The yield curve is used by fixed income analysts, who analyze bonds and related securities, to understand conditions in financial markets and to seek trade opportunities. Economists use curves to understand economic conditions.

The yield curve function Y is actually only known for certain certain due dates, whereas other maturities are calculated by interpolation ( see Construction of the full yield curve of market data below ).

Video Yield curve

Kurva Yield

The yield curve usually tilts up asymptotically: the longer the maturity, the higher the result, the less the marginal decrease (ie, when one moves to the right, the curve widens out). There are two general explanations for upward sloping curves. First, perhaps the market anticipates a rising risk-free rate. If investors are putting off investing now, they may receive better rates in the future. Therefore, under the arbitrage price theory, investors who are willing to lock their money should now be compensated for the anticipated interest rate increase - resulting in higher interest rates on long-term investments.

Another explanation is that longer maturities require a greater risk for investors (ie lenders). Risk premiums are required by the market, because over the longer term there are more uncertainties and greater opportunities for catastrophic events that impact on investment. This explanation depends on the idea that the economy is facing more uncertainty in the distant future than in the near future. This effect is referred to as the spread of liquidity. If the market expects more volatility in the future, even if the interest rate is anticipated to decrease, an increase in the risk premium may affect the spread and lead to increased yield.

The opposite position (short term interest rates higher than long term) can also occur. For example, in November 2004, the yield curve for British Government bonds was partially reversed . The yield for the 10-year bond reached 4.68%, but only 4.45% for the 30-year bond. The anticipation of the market against the decline in interest rates led to such incidents. Negative liquidity premiums can also occur if long-term investors dominate the market, but the prevailing view is that positive liquidity premiums dominate, so only anticipation of a rate cut will cause the yield curve to reverse. The highly reversed yield curve has historically preceded economic pressures.

The shape of the yield curve is influenced by supply and demand: for example, if there is a large demand for long bonds, for example from pension funds to match their fixed liabilities with pensioners, and not enough bonds to meet this demand, long-term bond yields can is expected to be low, regardless of the market participants' view of future events.

The yield curve may also be flat or hump, because the anticipated interest rate is stable, or short-term volatility exceeds long-term volatility.

The yield curve keeps moving all the time that the open market, reflecting the market reaction to the news. The further "styled fact" is that the yield curve tends to move in parallel (ie the yield curve shifts up and down as interest rates rise and fall).

Type of yield curve

There is no single yield curve that describes the cost of money for everyone. The most important factor in determining the yield curve is the currency in which the securities are denominated. The economic position of countries and companies using each currency is a major factor in determining the yield curve. Different agencies borrow money at different rates, depending on their credit worthiness. The yield curve corresponding to government-issued bonds in their own currency is called the government's yield curve (the government curve). Banks with high credit ratings (Aa/AA or higher) borrow money from one another at LIBOR rates. This yield curve is usually slightly higher than the government curve. They are the most important and widely used in financial markets, and are known as diverse LIBOR curves or swap curves. The construction of the swap curve is described below.

In addition to the government curve and the LIBOR curve, there is a firm curve (firm). This is built from the proceeds of bonds issued by the company. Since firms have lower credit worthiness than most governments and most large banks, these results are usually higher. Company yield curves are often quoted in the form of "credit spread" over the relevant swap curve. For example the five-year yield curve point for Vodafone may be cited as 0.25% LIBOR, where 0.25% (often written as 25 basis points or 25bps) is the credit spread.

Normal result curve

From the post-Great Depression era to the present, the yield curve is usually "normal" which means that yield rises as an elongated maturity (ie, the slope of the positive yield curve). This positive slope reflects investors' expectations for the economy to grow in the future and, importantly, for this growth is attributed to greater expectations that inflation will increase in the future rather than fall. This higher inflation expectation leads to expectations that the central bank will tighten monetary policy by raising short-term interest rates in the future to slow economic growth and ease inflationary pressures. It also creates a need for risk premiums associated with uncertainty about future inflation rates and the risks posed to future cash flow values. Investors price these risks to the yield curve by demanding higher returns for further maturity into the future. In a positive sloping yield curve, the lender benefits from the passage of time as the yield decreases as the bonds get closer to maturity (as a result decreases, the price increases ); this is known as rolldown and is a significant component of earnings in fixed income investments (i.e., purchases and sales, no need to hold to maturity), especially if the investment is utilized.

However, a positive sloping curve is not always the norm. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the US economy experienced trending growth with persistent deflation, not inflation. During this period the yield curve is usually reversed, reflecting the fact that deflation makes current cash flow less valuable than future cash flows. During this period of persistent deflation, the 'normal' yield curve slopes negatively.

Steep curve

Historically, the yield on the 20-year Treasury bond averaged about two percentage points above the three-month Treasury bond. In situations where this gap increases (eg 20-year Treasury yields rise higher than three-month Treasury yields), the economy is expected to rise rapidly in the future. This type of curve can be seen at the beginning of economic expansion (or after the recession). Here, economic stagnation will push short-term interest rates; However, tariffs began to rise after capital demand was reshaped by emerging economic activity.

In January 2010, the difference between the two-year and 10-year Treasury bond yields widened to 2.92 percentage points, the highest ever.

Flat yield curve or humped

The flat yield curve is observed when all maturities have the same result, while the humped curve produces the same short-term and long-term results and the medium-term results are higher than the short-run and long-term. The flat curve sends a signal of uncertainty in the economy. This mixed signal can return to the normal curve or later can be a reversed curve. That can not be explained by the Segmented Market theory discussed below.

Inverted reciprocal curve

The reverse yield curve occurs when long-term results fall below short-term results.

Under unusual circumstances, long-term investors will be satisfied with lower yields now if they think the economy will slow down or even decline in the future. 1986 Campbell R. Harvey's dissertation shows that reversed yield curves accurately predict the US recession. The upside curve has indicated a worsening economic situation in the future 7 times since 1970. The New York Federal Reserve considers it a valuable forecasting tool in predicting a recession two to six quarters ahead. In addition to potentially signaling the economic downturn, the upside-down yield curve also implies that the market believes inflation will remain low. This is because, even if there is a recession, low bond yields will still be offset by low inflation. However, technical factors, such as an escape to a quality or economic situation or global currency, could lead to an increase in demand for bonds at the long end of the yield curve, leading to long-term interest rates falling. Long-term interest rate cuts amid rising short-term interest rates are known as "The Greenspan's Conundrum".

Maps Yield curve

Relationship to business cycle

The slope of the yield curve is one of the most powerful predictors of economic growth, inflation, and recession in the future. One measure of the slope of the yield curve (ie the difference between the 10-year Treasury bond rate and the 3-month Treasury bond rate) is included in the Financial Stress Index published by St. Louis Fed. Different tilt sizes (ie the difference between the 10-year Treasury bond rate and federal funds rate) are incorporated into the Leading Economic Indicator Index published by The Conference Board.

Reversed reciprocal curves are often a sign of recession. Positive yield curves often signal the growth of inflation. The work by Arturo Estrella and Tobias Adrian has established the predictive power of the reverse yield curve to mark the recession. Their model shows that when the difference between short-term interest rates (they use 3-month T-Bills) and long-term interest rates (10-year Treasury bonds) at the end of the federal reserve binding cycle is negative or less than 93 basis points positive that an increase in unemployment is usually happen. The New York Fed publishes a prediction of the probability of a monthly recession derived from the yield curve and based on Estrella's work.

All recessions in the US since 1970 (until 2017) have been preceded by reversed yield curves (10 years vs. 3 months). Over the same time span, any occurrence of reversed yield curves has been followed by a recession as stated by the NBER business cycle dating committee.

Estrella and others have postulated that the yield curve affects the business cycle through bank balance sheets (or bank-like financial institutions). When the yield curve is reversed the banks often get caught paying more on short-term deposits (or other forms of short-term wholesale funding) than they make on long-term loans that lead to loss of profitability and reluctance to lend to produce credit crunch. When the yield curve tilts upward, the bank can profitably take short term deposits and make long-term loans so they want to give credit to the borrower. This eventually leads to a credit bubble.

The yield curve part VIII â€
src: treasurytoday.com


There are three major economic theories that try to explain how results vary with maturity. Two of the theories are extreme positions, while the third attempt to find the midpoint between the two previous ones.

Market expectations (pure expectations) hypothesis

This hypothesis assumes that various maturities are a perfect substitute and show that the shape of the yield curve depends on the expectations of the market participants about future interest rates. This assumes that market forces will cause interest rates on various bond requirements in such a way that the expected final value of a short-term investment sequence will be equal to the known final value of a single long-term investment. If this does not apply, the theory assumes that investors will quickly demand more than short-term or long-term bonds (which gives higher expected long-term results), and this will lower the return on current bonds. term and raise the current bond yields from other terms, thus quickly making the assumed assumption of expected returns from two investment approaches continuing.

Using this, the futures price, together with the assumption that the arbitrage opportunity will be minimal in the future market, and that the futures price is an unbiased estimate of the upcoming spot price, providing sufficient information to build the expected overall yield curve. For example, if investors have expectations of what the 1-year interest rate will be next year, the current 2-year interest rate can be calculated as a 1-year interest rate combination this year based on the expected 1-year interest rate next year. More generally, returns (outcome 1) on long-term instruments are assumed to be the same as the expected geometric means of return on a short-term set of instruments:

             (         1                            me                Â <     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                   )                 Â ·                           =        (         1                            me                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂﯯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½Ã,®     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                              years               Â 1                         )        (         1                            me                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂﯯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½Ã,®     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                              years                Â 2                         )         ?        (         1                            me                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂﯯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½Ã,®     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                              years                  Â ·                          )         ,               {\ displaystyle (1 i_ {lt}) ^ {n} = (1 i_ {st} ^ {{\ text {year}} 1}) ( 1 i_ {st} ^ {{\ text {year}} 2}) \ cdots (1 i_ {st} ^ {{\ text {year}} n}),}  Â

di mana i st dan i lt adalah You can get a bunk jangka pendek dan actual jangka panjang (tap                            saya                     s            t                                               tahun                        1                              {\ displaystyle i_ {st} ^ {{\ text {year}} 1}}  adalah tingkat jangka pendek aktual yang diamati untuk tahun pertama).

This theory is consistent with the observation that results usually move together. However, he failed to explain persistence in the form of a yield curve.

The lack of hope theory includes that it ignores the risk of interest inherent in investing in bonds.

The theory of premium liquidity

Liquidity premium theory is a branch of pure expectation theory. The theory of liquidity premiums confirms that long-term interest rates reflect not only investor assumptions about future interest rates but also include a premium for holding long-term bonds (investors prefer short-term bonds for long-term bonds), termed long-term premiums or liquidity premiums. These premiums compensate investors for the added risk of having their money tied up for longer periods of time, including greater price uncertainty. Due to the term premium, long-term bond yields tend to be higher than short-term results and upward-sloping yield curves. Long-term returns are also higher not only because of the liquidity premium, but also because of the risk premiums that are added by the default risk of holding security in the long term. The hypothesis of market expectations combined with the theory of liquidity premiums:

             (         1                            me                Â <     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                   )                 Â ·                           =          r           Â ·                  Â ·                                  (        (         1                            me                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂﯯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                               y             e             a              r               Â 1                         )        (         1                            me                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂﯯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                               y             e             a              r                Â 2                         )         ?        (         1                            me                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂﯯ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <½ï <     ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                                               y             e             a              r                  Â ·                          )        )               {\ displaystyle (1 i_ {lt}) ^ {n} = rp_ {n} ((1 i_ {st} ^ {\ mathrm {year} 1 }) {1 i_ {st} ^ {\ mathrm {year} 2}) \ cdots (1 i_ {st} ^ {\ mathrm {year} n})}}  Â

Di mana                    r                p                      n                              {\ displaystyle rp_ {n}}   adalah premi laughiko yang terkait dengan                             n                     {\ displaystyle {n}}   ikatan tahun.

Theory habitat pilihan

The preferred habitat theory is a variant of the theory of premium liquidity, and states that in addition to interest rate expectations, investors have different investment horizons and require a meaningful premium to buy bonds with maturity beyond their "maturity" options, or habitat. Proponents of this theory believe that short-term investors are more prevalent in fixed income markets, and therefore long-term interest rates tend to be higher than short-term rates, for the most part, but short-term rates can be higher than long-term rates sometimes -sometimes. This theory is consistent with the persistence of the normal yield curve form and the tendency of the yield curve to shift up and down while maintaining its shape.

Market segmentation theory

This theory is also called segmented market hypothesis . In this theory, financial instruments of different terms can not be substituted. As a result, supply and demand in the market for short- and long-term instruments is largely independently determined. Potential investors decide in advance whether they need short-term or long-term instruments. If investors prefer their portfolios to be liquid, they will prefer short-term instruments for long-term instruments. Therefore, the market for short-term instruments will receive higher demand. Higher demand for instruments implies higher prices and lower yields. This explains the stylized fact that short-term results are usually lower than long-term results. This theory explains the superiority of the normal yield curve. However, since the supply and demand of the two markets are independent, this theory fails to explain the observed fact that the results tend to move together (ie, upward and downward shifts in the curve).

Historical development of yield curve theory

On August 15, 1971, US President Richard Nixon announced that the US dollar was no longer based on the gold standard, thus ending the Bretton Woods system and starting an era of floating exchange rates.

The floating exchange rate makes life more complicated for bond traders, including those at Salomon Brothers in New York City. In the mid-1970s, driven by the head of bond research at Salomon, Marty Liebowitz, traders began to think about bond yields in new ways. Instead of thinking about every maturity (ten-year, five-year, etc.) bonds. As a separate market, they start drawing curves through all of their results. The closest bit is now known as the short end - further bond yields become, naturally, the long end .

Academics must play with practitioners in this regard. One important theoretical development came from a Czech mathematician, Oldrich Vasicek, who argued in a 1977 paper that bond prices along the curve were driven by short ends (under the equivalent neutral martingale risk) and by short-term interest rates. The mathematical model for Vasicek's work is given by the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, but has since been discredited because the model predicts a positive probability that the short level becomes negative and inflexible in creating the yield curves of various forms. The Vasicek model has been replaced by many different models including the Hull-White model (which allows for various time parameters in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process), the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model, which is a modified Bessel process, and the Heath-Jarrow Framework -Morton. There are also many modifications to each of these models, but see the article on short-level models. Another modern approach is the LIBOR market model, introduced by Brace, Gatarek and Musiela in 1997 and put forward by others later. In 1996, a group of derivative traders led by Olivier Doria (later head of swap at Deutsche Bank) and Michele Faissola, contributed to the extension of the swap yield curve in all major European currencies. Until then the market will give the price up to 15 years of maturity. The team extends the maturity of the European yield curve up to 50 years (for lira, French franc, Deutsche sign, Danish krone and many other currencies including ecu). This innovation is a major contribution to the issuance of bonds without long-term coupons and the creation of long-term mortgages.

What Does A Flattening US Treasuries Yield Curve Mean For Emerging ...
src: frontera.net

Construction of full yield curve of market data

See also: Bootstrap (finance); Fixed earnings association # Models the result curve.

The general representation of the result curve is a function P, defined at all future times t , so P ( t ) represents the value of today receiving a unit of currency t years in the future. If P is defined for all future t then we can easily recover the yield (ie the annual interest rate) to borrow money over that period through the formula

               Y        (          t        )         =          P        (          t                  )                ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÃ, -   Â 1                      Â /                 ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂï <½                          -         1.               {\ displaystyle Y (t) = P (t) ^ {- 1/t} -1.}  Â

The significant difficulty in defining the yield curve is to determine the function P ( t ). P is called the discount factor function or the zero coupon bond.

The yield curve is constructed from the price available in the bond market or the money market . While the yield curve constructed from the bond market uses only the price of a special class of bonds (eg bonds issued by the British government) the yield curve built from the money market price uses "cash" from the LIBOR level today, which determines the "short end "from the curve ie to t Ã, <= Ã, 3m, the rate of interest that determines the center of the curve (3mÃ, <= Ã, t Ã, <= Ã , 15m) and the interest rate swap that determines the "long end" (1yÃ, <= Ã, t Ã, <= 60y).

The example given in the table to the right is known as the LIBOR curve as it is created using the LIBOR or swap ratio. The LIBOR curve is the most widely used interest rate curve because it is a credit value of a private entity around A rank, roughly equivalent to a commercial bank. If someone replaces LIBOR and swaps with government bond yields, one arrives at what is known as a government curve, usually considering a risk-free rate curve for the underlying currency. Spread between LIBOR or exchange rate and government bond yields, usually positive, which means private loans are at a premium over government borrowing, of similar maturity is a measure of the lender's risk tolerance. For the US market, a common benchmark for such spread is provided by TED spreads.

In both cases, available market data provides the matrix of A cash flows, each row representing a particular financial instrument and each column representing a point in time. The i , j ) - th element of the matrix represents the amount that the instrument I will pay on the day j F vector represent the current instrument price (hence the i -th instrument has the value F ( i )), then with the definition of our discount factor function P we must have F = AP (this is a matrix multiplication). In fact, noise in financial markets means it is impossible to find P that solves this equation appropriately, and our goal is to find the vector P so that

               A          P         =         F                 ?                       {\ displaystyle AP = F \ varepsilon \,}  Â

di mana                        ?                  {\ displaystyle \ varepsilon}    adalah vektor sekecil mungkin (di mana ukuran suatu vektor dapat diukur dengan mengambil normanya, misalnya).

Note that even if we can solve this equation, we will only specify P ( t ) for those t who have cash flows from one or more of the original instrument we make from the curve. Values ​​for t others are usually specified using some sort of interpolation scheme.

Practitioners and researchers have suggested many ways to solve the equation A * P = F. It reveals that the most natural method - that is minimize               ?               {\ displaystyle \ epsilon}   by least squares regression - leads to unsatisfactory results. The large number of zeros in the A matrix means that the P function is "wavy".

In a comprehensive book on interest rate modeling, James and Webber noted that the following techniques have been suggested to solve the problem of finding P:

  1. An approximation using Lagrange polynomial
  2. Pas uses a parameterization curve (such as splines, the Nelson-Siegel family, the Svensson family, or the Cairns curated-exponential curve family). Van Deventer, Imai and Mesler summarize three different techniques for curve adjustments that meet the maximum refinement of the forward interest rate, zero coupon bond price, or zero coupon yield
  3. Local regression uses the
  4. kernel
  5. Linear programming

In the money market, practitioners may use different techniques to solve different areas of the curve. For example, at the short end of the curve, where there is some cash flow, some of the first P elements can be found with bootstrap from one to the next. At the long end, regression techniques with cost functions that assess the smoothness may be used.

Gloomy Yield Curve | Seeking Alpha
src: static.seekingalpha.com

How it affects the bond price

There is a time dimension for the analysis of bond values. The 10-year bond purchased becomes a 9-year bond a year later, and the year after it becomes an 8-year bond, etc. Each year the bonds move gradually toward maturity, resulting in lower volatility and shorter duration and demand lower interest rates when the yield curve increases. Because the fall in prices makes up the price, the value of bonds will initially rise as the lower level of shorter maturity becomes a new market level. Because bonds are always anchored by final maturity, the price at some point must change direction and fall to the nominal value at redemption.

The bond market value at different times in his life can be calculated. When the yield curve is steep, bonds are predicted to have large capital gains in the first years before falling in price later. When the yield curve is flat, capital gains are expected to be much less, and there is little variability in the total return of the bonds over time.

Increase (or decrease) interest rates rarely rise by the same amount along the yield curve - curves rarely move up in parallel. Because long-term bonds have a greater duration, an increase in interest rates will lead to greater capital losses for them, than for short-term bonds. But almost always, the level of long maturity will change much less, leveling the yield curve. Larger changes in interest rates at the short end will offset to some extent the benefits provided by the shorter duration of shorter bonds.

Long-term bonds tend to mean reverting, which means that they are ready to be attracted to long-term average. The middle curve (5-10 years) will see the largest percentage of gains in yield if there is anticipated inflation even if the interest rate does not change. The long-end does not move quite a percentage because of the average reverting properties.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
