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Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

Mortgage Modification | BransonLaw, PLLC
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Video Loan modification in the United States

United States 1930s

During the Great Depression in the United States a number of mortgage modification programs were enacted by the state to limit the sale of subsequent foreclosures and homelessness and their economic impact: incorrect. The United States produced Modifications through the HAP Team at the end of 2009 for a crime collectively titled, "Predator lenders." Staff in various markets colluded together to get an escrow by providing consumer-confirmed mortgages to be closed, providing mortgage loan adverse credit products that are not recommended as they usually result in confiscation and computer crime by banking and lending staff as well as unlawful contracts many staff incarcerated in prison for real offenses estate and other laws. The Mortgage Crash of 2008 was associated with the 2008 Stick Market Crash as a legal record and a supportive historical record. (Reference IRS Washington DC, public prosecution cases by entering the name of the voicing intuition vs. to see the reasons the bank is sued and FDIC.GOV for the acquisition and closure of bank lenders and other lending intuitions closed by the government for violating the law Due to economic depreciation, many borrowers lost their jobs and income and were unable to sustain their mortgage payments In 1933, the Minnesota Mortgage Moratorium Act was challenged by a bank that argued in front of the United States Supreme Court that it was a violation of the contractual clause of the Constitution, In Home Building & ; Loan Association v. Blaisdell , courts uphold the law that imposes mandatory mortgage modifications.

Maps Loan modification in the United States

United States 2000s

According to the chairman of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Sheila C. Bair, looking back as far back as the 1980s, "FDIC implements training procedures for problem loans from bank failures, modifies loans to affordable and transforms into nonperforma loans by offering refinances , loan assumptions, and family loan transfers. "

The US housing boom in the first few years of the 21st century ended abruptly in 2006. Housing starts, which reached more than 2 million units in 2005, plummeted to more than half that level. House prices, which rose at a two-digit rate nationwide in 2004 and 2005, have fallen dramatically since (see Chart 1). When house prices decline, the number of mortgage problems, especially in sub-prime and Alt-A portfolios, increases. In the third quarter of 2007, the percentage of sub-prime adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM) that experienced serious delinquency or foreclosures reached 15.6 percent, more than double the level of a year ago (see Graph 2). The deterioration in credit performance began in the Midwest industry, where the weakest economic conditions, but now (2006-2007) spread to previous boom markets in Florida, California, and other coastal states.

Bagan 1

Bagan 2

During 2007, investors and rating agencies repeatedly downgraded assumptions about the performance of sub-prime loans. A Merrill Lynch study published in July estimates that if US home prices fall by just 5 percent, subprime loan losses to investors would amount to just under $ 150 billion, and the Alt-A credit loss would amount to $ 25 billion. On the heels of this report comes the news that the House Price Index & amp; The P-Case-Shiller Composite for the top 10 US cities has fallen in August to a level that is already 5 percent lower than last year, with similar possibilities declining over the coming year.

The complexity of many mortgage backed securitization structures has increased the overall risk aversion of investors, resulting in what has become more widespread liquidity in the global credit market. This disturbance has led to a sharp decline in sub-prime loans, a significant decrease in the availability of loans of Alt-A, and higher interest rates on jumbo loans (see Graph 3). The tightening in mortgage lending has put more downward pressure on home sales and home prices, a situation that can now thwart the expansion of the US economy.

Bagan 3

The quality of mortgage housing loans continues to weaken, with both delinquency and increased costs off-in the FDIC-insured institutions.

This trend, along with rising prices for mortgage loans adjusted for hybrid interest (ARM), falling house prices, and fewer refinancing options, underscores the urgency of finding workable solutions to current problems in the sub-prime mortgage market. Legislators, regulators, bankers, servicers mortgages, and consumer groups have debated the benefits of strategies that can help maintain home ownership, minimize foreclosures, and restore stability to the local housing market.

On December 6, 2007, an industry-driven plan was announced to help prevent foreclosures for certain sub-major homeowners who face unreachable payments when their interest rates are reset. The plan provides a streamlined process to extend beginner levels on ARM sub-prime for at least five years in cases where borrowers stay current on their loans but can not refinance or pay higher payments once reset. An important component of an industry-led plan is the detailed reporting of loan modification activities. Working with the US Treasury and other bank regulators, the FDIC will monitor loan modification rates and seek adjustments to the protocol if necessary.

Loan Modification Secrets: Should You Report Income From Non ...
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Missing Relief Mitigation Program (LMM)

Mediation is usually a good way for plaintiffs and defendants to sit with a neutral referee to know their differences and achieve a resolution that is usually better than advanced litigation. Mediation succeeds in all types of disputes including personal injury cases, contract disputes and even divorce. However, in these cases, a circus court judge would easily punish those who failed to attend mediation or who were present but failed to comply with the mediation order.

In 2009, the Florida Supreme Court forced every Florida Circuit Court (court where the Foreclosure lawsuit was heard), to implement a mediation program for homeowners facing foreclosure. This program is called "Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation" (RMFM) Program. The idea is for the lender to provide a direct or personal meeting with the Home Owner/Defendant before an impartial mediator to discuss the Foreclosure Lawsuit and possible alternatives (including Loan Modification, Substitution Deed, and Short Sales).

The RMFM program was canceled in 2011 after widespread criticism of the program. RMFM fails because it has no teeth, because judges are reluctant to punish mortgage companies for failing to mediate in good faith, and because borrowers do not receive the cooperation they need from banks. In short, RMFM is a waste of time, not because mediation is a bad idea but because the mitigation options are limited losses and because most court judges can not or will not enforce the program.

In 2012, the Bankruptcy Court in the Central District of Florida applied a failed version of RMFM, but unlike the state court version, it has seen a much higher success rate. An Orlando bankruptcy lawyer reports a 90% success rate, with 18% of the changes involves substantial reductions. Similar programs have also been institutionalized by the Bankruptcy Court in New York and Rhode Island.

Following the leadership of Central District, Florida District Southern Bankruptcy Court has started its own mitigation mediation ("LMM") mediation program. The LMM program begins on April 1, 2013 and unlike the Central District, the Southern District program has more requirements for all parties and includes debtors in all chapters, not only Chapter 13. Chapter 7 debtors may use the LMM to request the delivery of property (the real delivery that provides transfer title). LMMs may be used by 13 borrowers to request and apply for modification through mediation or submission of any property they do not wish to have.

The Southern District program also includes the use of a document processing program called DMM Portal. Participants in the LMM program will use this secure online portal for document and communication exchange. This program will help ensure that documents are sent between the lender and the borrower and are not lost or misplaced. Instant uploads and transmission verifications are a hallmark of this portal.

Elections to participate in the LMM program will suspend any delayed movement for assistance from residence ("MFR"). However, while the LMM is pending, the debtor will be required to pay 31% of their gross monthly income through the Chapter 13 plan as "adequate protection" payments. The fees that the debtor must pay to participate in the program will usually include a $ 1,800 fee to their bankruptcy attorney to handle the modifications through their Chapter 13 plan and cost about $ 300 to the mediator.

While bankruptcy mediation programs do not guarantee the modification of housing loans, it makes it much more difficult for mortgage lenders to resist modifications due to the strict requirements to act in good faith. For example, if an officer rejects a HAMP application, it should explain why. Often, denial is based on miscalculations, misinterpretations, or errors. In this program, the debtor's attorney may demand that a service representative explain the calculation. Often, errors are found and fixed, so modifications are accepted.

While mortgage and bankruptcy modifications may not be the solution to all the stressful mortgage problems, it will surely provide an additional place for the homeowner in need. Applying for modifications through bankruptcy can provide relief from debts that can be disposed of making the debtor unable to make mortgage payments and provide a lender guarantee that the borrower is no longer required by the burden.

Bank of America Loan Modification 2012 Video #10 - YouTube
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Simplified modification process

The adoption of this efficient modification framework is an additional tool that servicers should now do to help avoid preventable foreclosures. This framework will not only help homeowners who receive efficient modifications, but will also pay more attention to service provider capacity concerns by freeing up resources, helping ensure that borrowers do not fall through the gap because the servicers can not reach them.

This is the first time the industry has approved industry standards. The benchmark ratio for calculating payments is 38 percent of monthly household gross income. Once an affordable payment is determined, there are several steps that the service provider can take to create the payment - extend the term, reduce interest rates, and attract interest. In the event that affordable payments are still beyond the borrower's way, the situation of the borrower will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis using the cash flow budget. This program resulted from a concerted effort between the Company, Hope Now and 27 partners of service providers, Treasury, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). In addition, we have used FDIC experience and assistance from the development of IndyMac's concise approach and greatly benefited from FDIC input and examples. To accommodate the need for greater flexibility among a large number of servicers, the Efficient Modification Program differs from the IndyMac model in some areas. However, it uses the same fundamental tools to achieve the same affordability targets.

The Efficient Modification Program (SMP) was developed in collaboration with FHFA, Treasury, Freddie Mac, and members of the HOPE NOW Alliance.

eligibility criteria SMP

The criteria for junior high school eligibility include:

  1. Adjusting a conventional or jumbo mortgage loan as originated on or before 1 January 2008;
  2. At least three payments are due;
  3. The loan is secured by the property of one unit which is the borrower's primary residence;
  4. Current mark-to-market loans to value (LTV) of 90 percent or more; and
  5. The property is not left, empty, damned, or in a seriously damaged state.
  6. SMP is designed to reduce the repayment of a depressed borrower's monthly mortgage to an amount equal to 38 percent of their monthly gross income. To do so, the servicers can, in the following order:
  7. Applicable capitalization of accrued interest, advances and borrowing costs, if permitted by state law;
  8. Extend the term of the mortgage loan up to 480 months;
  9. Reduce the interest rate on mortgage loans by adding.125% to a fixed interest rate of not less than 3% (if this exercise produces a price below market price, it will, after 5 years, increase yearly to market level);
  10. As a last resort, provide the ultimate patience, which will result in fully due and payable balloon payments at the time of the property borrower or the payment or maturity of the loan.

Borrowers who meet the junior eligibility requirements enter a trial period in which they must make monthly loan payments equal to modified proposed payments. Timely payments should be made for three consecutive months before borrowing of the borrower can be modified under junior high.

"Efficient Modification Plan," or SMP, which is an extension of what many lenders have done, was implemented from December 15, 2008.

Protect yourself from unauthorized mortgage modifications
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IndyMAC Packages

With the George W. Bush administration refusing to impose a controversial Commission Chairperson's modified loan plan, MPs take action on their own.

  • Offers a proactive workout solution designed to address borrowers who have the will but a limited capacity to pay.
  1. Return the loan to current status.
  2. Make use of interest arrears and escrow.
  3. Change loan terms by waterfall, starting from a 38% HTI ratio on the front to a ratio of 31% HTI subject to the current net present value (NPV).
  4. Reduce interest rates as low as 3 percent.
  5. Extend, if necessary, the amortization and/or loan term of up to 40 years.
  6. Uphold the principal if necessary.
  • Give borrowers an opportunity to stay in their home while making affordable payments for loan life.
  1. Ask the borrower to make one payment at the time of modification.
  2. Reduce interest rates in Freddie Mac Weekly Surveys, as effectively as necessary to meet target HTI ratios, improve the adjusted rate and monthly payment amount for 5 years.
  3. Increase your initial interest rate gradually from year 6 by increasing it by one percentage point every year until it reaches the tariff limit of Freddie's Weekly Survey.
  • Use financial models with assumptions that can be supported to ensure investor interests are protected.
  1. Enter the borrower's specific revenue information into the NPV Device, which provides real-time drill solutions.
  2. Reduce the rate of auto loans across major segments of the portfolio to support approved bulk mail.
  3. Verify the revenue information provided by the borrower through receipts, tax returns, and/or bank statements.
  4. Compare foreclosure costs to reduce losses.
  5. The mandate that the cost of modification should be less than the forecast for foreclosure loss.
  • The borrower's eligibility
  1. This loan is at least 60 days in arrears in which the loan is considered one day delinquent the following day after the next payment due date. Many service contracts often contain standard clauses that allow service providers to modify mortgages with serious or default delinquency, or a "predictable" default mortgage.
  2. The foreclosure sale will not happen and the borrower is currently not in bankruptcy, or has not been out of Chapter 7 bankruptcy since the loan originated.
  3. Loans do not come from second homes or investment properties.

"We (IndyMac Bank) praise FDIC Chair Sheila Bair for her leadership in developing systematic loan modification protocols FHFA, GSEs and HOPE NOW are heavily dependent on the IndyMac model in developing this new protocol". As history unfolds in the US Housing and Financial crisis that causes a continuous recession, the next bankruptcy and scandal (IndyMac Bank) are important to understand. The dynamic interaction between social goodness, capital ownership, and the rule of law is under way in US experiments with the democratic process. Most of IndyMac's business models as well as government support FrannieMae and FreddieMac quasi-banks are based on concentrated debt. This model becomes very risky because it is based on the false assumption that the value of housing will increase. In fact, their mortgage prevalence greatly feeds the housing bubble with significant corruption and possible corruption to the functioning of government regulations through dramatic campaign fund contributions from these organizations. In an irregular business climate in the late 1800s, the speculative bubble was corrected by a painful financial panic. The actual understanding has not been documented for the speculative housing bubble of 2008, but federal government management seems to have replaced the severity of financial panic with persistent but less severe correction. This correction became known in the Great Recession.

Can Chapter 13 bankruptcy help with a mortgage modification? - YouTube
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Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Plan

In the task at hand to make progress against foreclosures and a depressed housing market. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac entered a new phase on December 9, 2008 for a fast track program intended to make "hundreds of thousands of affordable mortgages for people who currently can not afford their monthly payments."

Through junior high schools, servicers can change loan terms to reduce the borrower's first monthly mortgage payment, including taxes, insurance and homeowners association payments, to an amount equal to 38 percent of gross monthly income. Changes in terms may include one or more of the following:

  1. Adding accrued interest, loan advances and fees to the principal balance of the loan, if permitted by state law;
  2. Extend the length of an appropriate mortgage loan;
  3. Reduce mortgage rates by 0.125 percent to an interest rate of not less than 3 percent. If the new rate is set below the market rate, after five years will increase annually to the original interest rate or the market interest rate at the time of modification, whichever is lower;
  4. Insist on some of the principals, which will require the borrower to make balloon payments when the loan is due, paid off, or refinanced.

Feasibility requirements

  1. Adjust the conventional and jumbo mortgage lending as originated on or before January 1, 2009;
  2. A borrower with at least three or more overdue payments and currently not in bankruptcy;
  3. Only one unit left, owner-occupied, primary residence; and
  4. The current loan to mark-to-market ratio is 90 percent or more.

New guides guide

Fannie Mae foreclosure prevention efforts are generally available to borrowers only after misbehavior. Under Fannie Mae's new guidance, loan service officers can use foreclosure prevention tools to assist the depressed borrower when a borrower demonstrates the need. As mentioned above, these guidelines apply to borrowers who are still in their payments, but the standards are foreseeable. These new guidelines are effective immediately, and the borrower can obtain information about eligibility at MakingHomeAffordable.gov.

Loan Modification Secrets: Should You Report Income From Non ...
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Original cost

  1. 3 percent mortgage insurance premium and 1.5 percent annual premium,
  2. Distribution of equity and rewards with the Federal government, and
  3. Prohibition against new junior liens against property unless they are directly related to property maintenance.
  • The HUDS fact sheet provides full details.

Update Hope for home improvement

  1. Eliminates 3% premium premium
  2. Reduce 1.5% annual premiums to a range between 0.55% and 0.75%, based on risk-based pricing (also make technical improvements to allow for the cessation of costs when the credit balance falls below a certain level, consistent with the FHA policy normal)
  3. Increase the maximum loan to value (LTV) from 90% to 93% for borrowers above the mortgage debt ratio with 31% (DTI) income or above 43% ratio
  4. Eliminating the profit sharing from the government's appreciation of the home market value at the time of the refi. Maintaining a declining government share (from 100% to 50% after five years) of the equity created by refi, which must be paid at the time of sale or refi as outgoing fee
  5. Provide authorized payments to servicers who participate in successful refs
  6. Administrative simplification:
    1. removes the borrower's certification because of accidental delinquent debt,
    2. removes the special requirement to collect a two-year tax return,
    3. removes the creator requirement for first payment default,
    4. omitted March 1, 2008 31% debt to income ratio (DTI),
    5. remove the ban for taking a second loan in the future,
    6. requires the Council to prepare documents, forms and procedures in accordance with those under normal FHA loans to the maximum extent possible under the legal requirements.

Bank of America Loan Modification 2012 Video #10 - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

The Troubled Asset Help Program

The Problem Asset Assistance Program is the prevention of systematic seizure and mortgage modification programs established by the Secretary, in consultation with the Chairman of the FDIC Board of Directors and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,

  1. Provide loan lenders and loan servicers with certain compensation to cover administrative costs for any loan modified in accordance with the required standards; and
  2. Provide a share of losses or guarantees for certain losses incurred if the altered loan must then be repeated.

Resource commitments

The comprehensive plan established under paragraph (a) shall require the funding commitments available to the Secretary under the heading I of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 in the amount of up to $ 100,000,000,000 but not less than $ 40,000,000,000.

In a press conference Tuesday, Federal Housing Finance Agency director James Lockhart said the program would target high-risk borrowers - 90 days or more were in arrears on their mortgages - and used various modification strategies to get borrowers into "affordable" mortgage payments, defined as 38 percent of the household's monthly gross income on the first mortgage payment.

Protect yourself from unauthorized mortgage modifications
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The Office of the Financial Supervisory Office and the Office of Secondary Goods Supervision reported on 2009-04-03

  • "Almost one of four loan modifications in the fourth quarter actually resulted in an increase in monthly payments". This can happen when a late fee or interest due is added to the monthly payment.
  • The redefault rate is about 50 percent where monthly payments are unchanged or increased, and 26 percent where payments decrease.

Can Chapter 13 bankruptcy help with a mortgage modification? - YouTube
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Affordable Home Modification Program

Created Program


The Affordable Home Modification Program (HAMP) was established on February 18, 2009 to help 7 to 8 million homeowners struggling against foreclosure risks by working with their lenders to lower monthly mortgage payments. This program is part of the Affordable Housing Program created by the Financial Stability Act of 2009. The program was built as a collaboration with banks, services, credit unions, FHA, VA, USDA and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to create loan modification guidelines standard for lenders to consider when evaluating borrowers for potential loan modifications. More than 110 major lenders have signed this program. This program is now viewed as an industry standard practice for lenders to analyze potential modification applicants.

Early 2012 the Treasury redesigned HAMP as Level 1 for the first first lien modification process and on June 1, 2012, Level 2 became available. Tier 2 is for property occupied by the owner or rental property. For mortgages secured by rental properties, only those with two or more eligible arrears payments.

Eligibility requirements

Fraud rescue and mortgage modification fraud is a growing problem. Homeowners must protect themselves so they do not lose their money or their homes. Scammers make promises they can not keep, such as collateral to "save" your home or lower your mortgage, often for a fee. Scammers may pretend that they have direct contact with your mortgage service provider when they do not.

Even among the leading financing organizations, basic homeowner education is not emphasized. Some may even ask homeowners who are struggling to guarantee their time to become politically active. Controversy exists between personal integrity and the concept of 'right to home ownership'. Many euphemisms are used to implicitly emphasize the concept that home ownership is not the result of lifelong efforts but the right granted by the government. These euphemisms are like "HOPE, relief and Savior Dream" as used above in naming or implementing a loan modification program. The origin of the word 'mortgage' is the promise of death - a concept that may even outweigh the general view of personal integrity. Basically homeownership should be a personal long-term commitment to pay mortgage provisions. On the side of contract bankers, their business model is governed by the 'social good' implemented by the government by chartering the bank. If banks implement policies that lead to financial bubbles and panic, democratic governments are equipped with tools for uncharter and redistribution of bank assets. Bank crisis in the United States

Free resources for potential applicants

There are free resources available to potential applicants.

  • Homeowners can call the Homeowner HOPE Hotline at 1-888-995-HARAPAN (4673) for information on the Affordable Housing Program and to speak with HUD approved housing advisors. Help is available in English and Spanish, and other languages ​​by agreement.
  • HUD.org helps applicants find local counselors. HUD.gov
  • MakingHomeAffordable.gov calculates the estimated payout and has other resources. Making Affordable Homes
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac allow applicants to see if their loans are owned by one of them and thus potentially qualify for the Fannie Mae Loan program Look Up Freddie Mac Loan Look Up

Participant Lenders

The list of signed lenders is on the Making Home Affordable website of the HAMP Borrower

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src: mortgagefraudblog.com

See also

  • American Environmental Assistance Organization (NACA)


  • This article incorporates public domain material from United States Government documents "FHFA Director's Statement James B. Lockhart".
  • This article incorporates public domain material from a United States Government document "Case for Loan Modification - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation".

External links

  • http://www.freddiemac.com/sell/guide/bulletins/pdf/bll121208.pdf
  • http://www.freddiemac.com/sell/factsheets/streamrefi.htm
  • http://www.fdic.gov/news/news/speeches/archives/2008/chairman/spdec1708.html
  • Washington University Law Review - Beyond Fairness: The Case of Economics and Law for the Modified Mandate of the Federal Mortgage Sweeps [2]

Source of the article : Wikipedia
